
Archive for the ‘SEO’ Category

By Mark Juliano

These days many new businesses turn to Social Media for their marketing versus traditional marketing communications vehicles (advertising, public relations – PR, trade shows, etc.) This post deals with the pros and cons of each, and how to specifically use Social Media to your company’s benefit.

Social Media Marketing

The MUST HAVEs — Website, Facebook page, Twitter and LinkedIn.

OVERALL — the most important part of using these Social Media websites it to: 1) post frequently, 2) link your sites to one another, 3) keep your information updated, and 4)

Most new businesses today have a Facebook page — we recommend TWO (2) different Facebook pages at a minimum. 1) your traditional Facebook page for your name, or in your company has multiple founders/executives, you should maintain a page for each person, and 2) a COMPANY Facebook page — for your commercial business.

All of these Facebook pages should link to one another, and post information that refers to each other’s Facebook page, and your own company’s WEBSITE, and specific pages on the website which related to your Facebook posts. A company Facebook page is unique on Facebook because it’s the page you post primarily company information, as well as information about your industry. Remember that your followers are not only interested in your company’s posts, but industry information — your goal in marketing is to build an online COMMUNITY.

I would also recommend using Facebook Ads to drive traffic to your company website, new products, etc. Facebook allows you to have limits on how much you spend on advertising — and it’s well worth it.

Twitter – is also a MUST HAVE — not to tell the world about what you are eating for lunch — but for the following reasons: 1) company announcements, 2) management additions, 3) new products, 4) to build a following on Twitter, etc. Remember you can install a Twitter and Facebook Page WIDGET on your website(s) so that your posts and tweets show up on your website, and customers/prospective customers can follow you on Twitter and Facebook. Widgets require a Facebook PAGE, which are generally for commercial uses.

LinkedIn – is also a MUST HAVE, for your executives and managers. Be sure your LinkedIn pages are up to date, and link back to your website. LinkedIn is a great recruiting tool, and potential partnership opportunity-builder.

REMEMBER — all of these LINKS help drive all of the Search Engine Optimization (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.).

Traditional Marketing —

Don’t forget this. While an online campaign, and social media campaign are wonderful, don’t forget about traditional marketing opportunities.

Almost every marketing consultant will tell you that Public Relations is the most effective marketing vehicle from a COST EFFECTIVENESS measure. There’s nothing like an article in local, state or national press — including online press. Yet, so few people know how to get press.

While I could, and have written and taught about Public Relations for decades — and could write a 20 page article on the topic — here are the basics:

1) Don’t just “pitch” to editors. READ their articles. COMMENT on their articles online. Get to KNOW the editors. Give them your customer contacts, etc.

2) Press Releases don’t get covered unless you already have a relationship with the press. And a press kit, while required, again doesn’t get press. It’s much better to draft a Press Release, and email parts of it to specific editors who are interested in the topic. CALL (using a Telephone) editors. Visit editors, take them to lunch, get to know them — it’s all about relationships.

3) Google Ads work, if you use low-cost keywords. So instead of using “peanut butter” for your Google ad, which will cost a fortune, use phrases like “non GMO peanut butter” or “home made peanut butter”. While these phrases get lower hits, they are much higher quality hits to your business.

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Twitter — let’s see — How do you use a 140 character broadcast message effectively to generate more sales and improve your overall marketing?

First — YES, Twitter is an effective marketing tool for all businesses. And Yes, you have to Tweet regularly for it to be effective.

Here’s my Twitter Link (For Mark Juliano) to check out the profile, etc. You can sign up to Twitter from this or any Twitter page.

Setting Up Twitter Effectively

  1. Pick an obvious Twitter name. If your a person, use your name (i.e. Mark Juliano — my Twitter name). If you’re a company, use the Company name
  2. Fill out a complete photo with pictures, information, etc. Google and search engines like this as do views of your Twitter feed.
  3. Tweet often. No, don’t go nuts. Just Tweet important stuff that customers want to know. If you’re not active, Google will lower your results. If you do a Tweet a day, that’s fine.
  4. Include your website URL in some of your Tweets
  5. Include hash-tags. What are those? Put # before a keyword. This makes it easy for search engines to find, like tags on a blog post, or keywords in an article or website. Definitely use them.
  6. Integrate your twitter feed into your blog and website with a Twitter Widget

Does Twitter generate leads and sales?

Well, I can only go by experience. When at Vinomis we used Twitter and got tons of hits. However, we did a detailed analysis of Web referrals from Twitter and found resulting sales were minimal (much lower than 1%).

As a comparison, Google searches generated a 3-5% conversion rate. Naturally actual searches for Vinomis or Resveratrol or Antioxidants, etc. were people really looking to learn and then buy products.

So, what’s Twitter good for?

  1. Broadcasting information to the world about your company, your management, new products, whatever
  2. Lots of websites pick up this information, and Google results will probably have Twitter on Page 1 for your company search
  3. Broadcasting to your CUSTOMERS, who can link to your Twitter feed. So, yes, ask them to join it.

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This is a review of Brandyourself.com – a company that can help you increase your Website SEO results and optimize your websites for improved Google and search engine results.

(Review written by Mark Juliano — check out Mark Juliano’s Brandyourself page to see an example CLICK HERE)

I have recently joining Brandyourself.com — a company which helps you:

  1. Improve your rankings on your websites, blogs, podcasts, social media sites, etc. (including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. etc.)
  2. See where you rank in Google searches and other search engines
  3. Help with online reputation issues or just improving your online reputation

Brandyourself offers multiple service levels from Free, Premium and a number of advanced levels (such as Concierge). Costs range from Free to about $10/month premium, to high service levels up to $500/month). These advanced levels use their consultants and specialists to help optimize websites and build websites. To make things happen quickly on your websites, I’d recommend the Premium Service initially.

The overall service is EXCELLENT (practical, easy to use, very good customer support) — first it scans Google results to see where your websites already rank. You can then add links and webpages that may or may not include your name, such as a business, blog, podcast, etc.

Brandyourself helps you optimize these sites with recommendations to do things like include your name in pages, posts, etc. Provides DETAILED Step-by-Step INSTRUCTIONS on how to do this, and verifies them for you. Over time, the website continues to track your Google results and continue to optimize them.

CUSTOMER SERVICE — I make it a point to call every new web service or online vendor I use to see how they do customer service. I’ve telephoned Brandyourself.com three (3) times so far. People were very helpful, understood my issues and were extremely pleasant.

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